Since Last Post P/L: £310.85
Monthly P/L: £310.85
Before now I've often been guilty of forgetting the contents of my previous post so with this in mind I'll get the bit about my head out of the way. The staples came out last Monday and if I do say so myself I was very brave (ha!) and all that remains is a chunky scar which should at least serve as a reminder on not to be such an idiot in future! Of course, despite this mental note I maintain that my mate was to blame :-)
My trading involvement has been relatively quiet so it's given me a chance to catch up on some reading. 'Reminiscences of A Stock Operator' was one title missing from my collection and with it being regarded as one of the best I was starting to feel a bit like a fraud for not having given it a look previously. I haven't finished it yet so I won't give a full review but my initial impressions are that if you can get past the way the book is written (it was 80 years ago and wordings have changed) there are some hidden gems on how to look at the bigger picture. It seems that the big money is to be made in the big swings and this is not something I've given my full focus to before. I've often looked to just the short term and whether that's for 1 minute, 10 or 20 maybe I haven't fully considered the conditions of the markets I've been active in. Plenty of food for thought there.
Where possible I've continued to try and lend Betdaq my business - it hasn't been easy but the graphic below will help illustrate that generating decent sized profits on some in-play markets is possible. I went on to lose a bit of this cash but that doesn't matter ;-)
What about the rest? Well, the Stanford Superstars giving England a whooping did make me chuckle. Everyone at the ECB got what they deserved in my eyes, and I'm sure they're regretting the decision to get involved with the whole thing now. It was very embarrassing. People have made comparisons regarding the sums of money available to that in football but until now there's never been a situation where Chelsea have been pitched to play Arsenal for $20 million in a one off match. No, although I enjoyed the spectacle, the Stanford match represented greed and for that reason it left a sour taste in the mouth. Not sure my comments mean much though as it also netted me a profit!
Anyway, here are my full results for the beginning of November:
Stanford Superstars v England : £169.86
American Football
Green Bay @ Tennessee : £80.35
Dallas @ New York Giants : £48.33
Horse Racing
Wolverhamption : £8.27
Plumpton : £9.47
Newcastle v Aston Villa : £9.58
Rugby Union
Australia v New Zealand : £18.99
Scotland v New Zealand : £117.30
Elsewhere, we've been given the date of the 19th November for Caden's full heart repair operation. This date has already been pushed back once so it's possible it could happen again but if everything goes to plan then the blog and my trading activity are likely to be put on hold come the end of the month. We're now at the stage where we just want to get the operation out of the way so that we can look forward to our first family Christmas.
I've written before about the market overvaluing rested higher-seeded teams
in playoffs, for example the MLB, the National League (the English Football
Good Luck Y'all.
The Gambler.
Mark - good to hear your head is at least physically on the way to recovery... and good luck to Caden later this month. I recently read Confessions of A Stock Operator too, and there are some things he says that you can apply to Exchange Betting trading. I did find the book lost its way about half-way through though, and there wasn't much in the second half of interest, but that's just my opinion. Let me know if you agree when you're finsished.
Many thanks John.
All the best,
Hi Cassini,
Many thanks for the best wishes - let's hope Caden doesn't turn out like his dad!
Like many of these books it seems you have to pick out the relevant bits which can often be easier said than done. Nonetheless, just getting another perspective seems to help me a lot.
I'll let you know my overall thoughts once I finish it.
All the best,
Hi Mark,
I wondered if you would post your email address for me to get in touch (or you can pm me on UBF). Its undoubtedly already on the blog but I haven't managed to locate it.
Many thanks
Hi johnterry26,
You can contact me at but please put 'BLOG' in the subjuct header as I get sooo much spam!
Apologies if I don't get back to you striaght away as my son is taking up alot of my time and energy at the moment (back to the hospital all day today!).
All the best,
Hi Mark,
Love your blog great to hear that you won on the cricket it was as you say just greed that pushed the ECB to go for it and I like you feel that they got what they deserved.
Glad the head is repairing well and good luck with everything else that is going on.
Wishing you and your family well and look forward to reading more soon.
Many thanks for the best wishes and the nice feedback on the blog. Both mean a lot mate. Sorry for the late reply but my boy has been in hospital for the last few days and I haven't been able to turn on a computer.
All the best and keep reading :-)
Mark,Hope all goes well with Caden.
Thanks Gary. I feel just thinking about the nice couple of weeks but I'm sure everything will be okay.
All the best,
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