Has it really been a month since my last blog post? Jeez, where is this year going! I guess being a Dad again has caught me off guard but February was a strange one overall - an explosive start, followed by a dip and then a strong finish - but I'm scratching my head as I can't remember much of it!
Hopefully my memory will come back but in the meantime I need to post something interesting (at least to me).
Okay, here goes...
At the turn of the year I mentioned that my strategy for 2012 would be to become more aggressive in my established markets, especially cricket as this is where the majority of my profits come from. So how about a little update? Well, the good news is that's been a good start. Here's a quick snapshot showing a comparison of my main sports for Jan-Feb in 2011 and 2012 (click to enlarge):
That's quite a big increase on the cricket side of things eh? So have I traded more matches? Again, the good news is no. I've traded 38 matches which is actually 2 less than the same period last year. Am I doing anything differently? From analysing my results it would seem that my win % has gone through the roof - out of the 38 matches I've only lost on 2. This is very pleasing, and as my average wins have increased the amount each match is now worth to me is running 68.25% higher than last year. Of course, things can change and I have to guard against complacency, but I couldn't have asked for any more with sleepless nights and a few other things bouncing around in the background.
If you haven't traded cricket before, one day games are a great place to start and after a few emails recently from other traders it's got me thinking about the possibility of holding a 'One Day Cricket' workshop later in the year. If this sounds appealing, then please express an interest by dropping me an email at members@markiverson.com. Obviously, I'll only push on with that idea if I get a good response but the aim would be to run through the processes I follow when trading a one day match. This would hopefully give you a much better chance of making money the next time you trade a game.
Happy St. David's Day by the way!
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